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Linked Open Data (LOD)

“Linekd Open Data defines a vision of globally accessible and linked data on the internet based on the RDF standards of the semantic web. LOD is often thought of as a virtual data cloud where anyone can access any data they are authorized to see and may also add to any data without disturbing the original data source. This provides an open environment where data can be created, connected and consumed on internet scale. A basic theory of LOD is that data has more value if it can be connected to other data. Data, in this context, is any structured web-based information.” (W3C eGov Wiki: Linked Open Data, consulté 22 novembre 2020)


intro_histoire_numerique/linked_open_data_et_sciences_historiques.1606088481.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2020/11/23 00:41 par Francesco Beretta