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Conceptualisation de l'information factuelle

La conceptualisation de l'information factuelle (diapositives, version 3.0, 21 novembre 2021)

OntoME: Ontology Management Environment


Ontoclean est une méthodologie de vérification et amélioration de modèles conceptuels et ontologies.

Cf. cette page de documentation




  • Doerr M. (2003). The CIDOC CRM. An Ontological Ap- proach to Semantic Interoperability of Metadata. AI Magazine vol. 24, number 3, p.75-92.
  • Doerr M., Hunter J., Lagoze C. (2003). Towards a Core Ontology for Information Integration, Journal of Digital In- formation 4(1).
  • Doerr M. (2009). Ontologies for Cultural Heritage. Handbook on ontologies. 2nd ed., Berlin, Springer, p. 463-486.
  • CIDOC CRM 6.2.1 – Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, Produced by the ICOM/CIDOC Documentation Standards Group, Continued by the CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group Version 6.2.1 October 2015 Current Main Editors: Patrick Le Boeuf, Martin Doerr, Christian Emil Ore, Stephen Stead, Contributors: Trond Aalberg, Detlev Balzer, Chryssoula Bekiari, Lina Boudouri, Nick Crofts, Gordon Dunsire, Øyvind Eide, Tony Gill, Günther Goerz, Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, Gerald Hiebel, Jon Holmen, Juha Inkari, Dolores Iorizzo, Juha Kotipelto, Siegfried Krause, Karl Heinz Lampe, Carlos Lamsfus, Jutta Lindenthal, Mika Nyman, Pat Riva, Lene Rold, Richard Smiraglia, Regine Stein, Matthew Stiff, Maja Žumer Copyright © 2003 ICOM/CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group
  • Doerr M., Meghini C. (2018). A first-order logic expres- sion of the CIDOC conceptual reference model . International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 13 (2), p. 131-149.

Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences (SDHSS)



  • Masolo, C., Borgo, S., Gangemi, A., Guarino, N., Ol- tramari, A. (2003). WonderWeb Deliverable D18 Ontology Library (final), Trento, Laboratory For Applied Ontology.
  • Borgo S., Masolo C. (2009). Foundational Choices in DOLCE. Handbook on Ontologies. Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, p. 361-381.

Descriptions and situations – DnS

  • Gangemi A., Mika P. (2003). Understanding the Semantic Web through Descriptions and Situations. On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE. Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, p. 689-706.
  • Bottazzi E., Catenacci C., Gangemi A., Lehmann J.(2006). From collective intentionality to intentional collectives: An ontological perspective. Cognitive Systems Re- search 7 (2-3), p. 192-208.
  • Gangemi A., Lehmann J., Catenacci C. (2008). Norms and plans as unification criteria for social collectives. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 17, p. 70-112.


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